
Showing posts from October, 2022

SpyCrushers Spy Cameras Launches Facebook Contest

 SpyCrushers Spy Cameras Launches Facebook Contest   Business SpyCrushers rep announces free spy camera product contest on Facebook. Recently at a press conference held at SpyCrushers corporate office, Ryan Anderson, President of SpyCrushers announced the launch of the company’s Facebook contest. “We giving away 5 different SpyCrushers spy camera products, one each day for 5 consecutive days starting Wednesday, 3/21/2018,” said Anderson.  According to Anderson each day starting 3.21.18 SpyCrushers will award one new Facebook subscriber their very own free SpyCrushers spy camera product just for liking, following, posting to and sharing the SpyCrushers Facebook Page. The contest is only open to new U.S. subscribers to the page. Winners will be chosen at random and contacted via the company’s Facebook page of the award ed prize. Complete contest details can be found on SpyCrushers Facebook page. The products that will be involved in the Facebook giveaway are as follows: Day...